Release Notes - elDoc - Version v5.4.2
2 September 2021
New Feature
- [ELDOC-585] - IDP: Provide text-only document preview functionality
- [ELDOC-590] - Add functionality for filtering by Service Account on the Admin Docs and Logs pages
- [ELDOC-533] - Full-text index service should support file revisions (NOTE: requires latest JMC and Full-text index service config)
- [ELDOC-584] - API: add support for mydocs view and following query parameters: state, step, iteration and status
- [ELDOC-587] - Various UI & UX adjustments and general optimizations
Bug Fix
- [ELDOC-583] - CSV Export: description field not exported
- [ELDOC-589] - File which has revisions is not deleted properly from the document on first attempt
Last modified: September 02, 2021