

To navigate to Users administration - click on AdministrationUsers.

User access report

By pressing "Access report" button user's access report is generated and shown in the bottom of the page:

Access report provides the following information:

  • System ID - user system internal identificator
  • Name - user's first and last names
  • Roles - user roles
  • Groups - all active groups to which user belongs
  • Units - all active units to which user belongs
  • Hierarchy - user hierarchy starting with user's unit first.


In case user belongs to several units - user's hierarchy is computed based on the most longest subordination chain and then the first subordination chain is used as user's hierarchy without any guaranty on order in case several computed hierarchies got the same length.

Add user

Users could be created directly in the elDoc system or could be imported through synchronization with MS Active Directory via elDoc Configuration settings available on the Administration menu. 

Edit user

Delete user

User import from CSV-file

"CSV Import" button redirects to the user import page with requirements for the source CSV file. System Administrator may choose the following options for the CSV import:

  • to create or not organizational units as per values stated in the CSV file;
  • and to perform emulation run or perform actual import to elDoc database. 

Select source file by preassign "+Choose" button and initiate import by pressing the "Process CVS file" button.

Last modified: May 12, 2023