

To navigate to Users Administration, click on System Settings (in the upper right corner) and select Users.

User access report

By pressing the "Access Report" button, the user's access report is generated and displayed at the bottom of the page: 

The Access report includes the following information:

  • System ID - user system internal identificator
  • Name - user's first and last names
  • Roles - user roles
  • Groups - all active groups to which user belongs
  • Units - all active units to which user belongs
  • Hierarchy - user hierarchy starting with user's unit first.


If a user belongs to multiple units, their hierarchy is determined by the longest subordination chain. If multiple chains are of equal length, the first computed chain is used as the user's hierarchy, without guaranteeing the order if multiple hierarchies are of the same length.

Add user

Users can be created directly within the elDoc system or imported via synchronization with MS Active Directory using the elDoc Configuration settings (System Settings - Configuration).  

Edit user

Delete user

User import from CSV-file

The "CSV Import" button directs to the user import page, specifying requirements for the source CSV file. The System Administrator can choose the following options for CSV import:

  • Whether to create organizational units based on values in the CSV file.
  • Whether to perform an emulation run or an actual import to the elDoc database.

Select the source file using the "+Choose" button and initiate the import process by pressing the "Process CSV file" button.

System Access Recovery (Lost Access or Initial System Setup)

If you lose access to the elDoc system or need to perform the initial system setup, you must activate the maintenance access user. This allows you to log in and restore system access.

To activate maintenance mode and define user credentials, modify the required parameters in the eldoc.conf file. The parameters that need adjustment are as follows:

maintenanceMode.enabled=  (Enable or disable maintenance mode)
maintenanceMode.login=  (Set the maintenance mode username)
maintenanceMode.pwd=  (Set the password for the maintenance mode user)

For detailed descriptions of these parameters and the requirements for password complexity, please refer to the eldoc.conf file. It contains comprehensive guidance on configuring these settings securely.


Restart elDoc system for the changes made to the eldoc.conf file to take effect.

Last modified: July 03, 2024