
To navigate to directories management page by following Administration  Directories menu.

Listed below Directories are default elDoc directories and can not be deleted:

  • CRM: Company area - used with CRM Organizations records in order to define company area.
  • CRM: Company type - used with CRM Organizations records in order to define company type.
  • Document form category folders - designed to arrange documents by types and present document as folders on the document creation page. In order to define particular document folder for the document type - navigate to Form creation and set the required settings. 
  • Follow-up - used on the documents for specifying follow-up action

Administrator has right to add / change values in those default Directories.

In order to share the same Directory between different teams or organizational units or even hierarchies of organizational units - access rights could be defined per Directory entries. Specifying target units/groups/roles in the "Access" field or org. units in the "Hierarchical access" field gives respective users access to select those Directory values.

Last modified: April 28, 2023