elDoc server and dependencies upgrade guide
1. elDoc upgrade procedure
elDoc upgrade procedure contains the following main steps:
- Obtain latest release distro
- Back-up current deployment (configuration files located in the elDoc deployment folder, eldoc.service file located in the /etc/systemd/system folder by default, etc.)
- Replace existing files with the files from the latest release distro
- Transfer and apply all configuration parameters used with the previous version to the newly copied configuration files respectively (configuration files: eldoc.conf, elDoc-server.sh, eldoc.service)
Note: Make sure you only copy over the changes not the entire files!
- In case target version is not a direct descendant of the currently installed version - you need to review release notes of all intermediate versions for any changes which affect backward compatibility and follow respective post-upgrade steps (if any).
- On the first launch after upgrade elDoc may need to perform database schema updates. It is crucial to check log files (located in the ../elDoc/logs directory) after elDoc initial launch after upgrade and make sure no error messages are present in the upgrade log.
2. MongoDB upgrade procedure
WARNING: Potential Data Loss
Always ensure you have a valid backup of your data before proceeding with the upgrade. The standard location of the MongoDB data, according to the elDoc deployment guide, is the /local/mongoData
Always consult the official MongoDB documentation when upgrading to specific versions, as this guide provides only a high-level overview of the steps.
For your convenience links to the official MongoDB resources on performing upgrade are provided below:
Upgrade to MongoDB 7.0:
- Standalone server upgrade: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/release-notes/7.0-upgrade-standalone/
- Replicaset upgrade: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/release-notes/7.0-upgrade-replica-set/
Upgrade to MongoDB 6.0:
- Standalone server upgrade: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/release-notes/6.0-upgrade-standalone/
- Replicaset upgrade: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/release-notes/6.0-upgrade-replica-set/
Upgrade to MongoDB 5.0:
- Standalone server upgrade: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/release-notes/5.0-upgrade-standalone/
- Replicaset upgrade: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/release-notes/5.0-upgrade-replica-set/
MongoDB upgrade steps (high-level)
The steps below describe MongoDB upgrade when it was installed using dnf repository manager, considering upgrade scenario from v4.4 to v5.0:
1) Disable existing repo:
nano /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-4.4.repo
In the repo-config file set param "enabled=1" to "enabled=0"
2) Add new repo config and perform installation of the new version:
nano /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-5.0.repo
Add the contents exactly as provided on the page: Install MongoDB Community Edition on RedHat.
dnf update -y mongodb-org
3) Update Feature Compatibility Version:
Once new version of the MongoDB is up and running you need to update the Feature Compatibility Version by executing the following set of commands:
mongo use admin db.auth("root") db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "5.0" } ) exit
NOTE: Value of the following parameter: "{ setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "5.0" }
" equals version of the MongoDB to which upgrade was performed.
NOTE: For upgrading MongoDB installed using tarball - you need to skip steps 1 and 2 and instead follow the standard MongoDB installation procedure using tarball. Once binaries are updated and MongoDB is up and running - proceed with the step "3) Update Feature Compatibility Version" directly.
After taking all the steps above the MongoDB upgrade procedure is done.
3. Full-text search service upgrade procedure
elDoc uses Apache Solr for providing a full-text search functionality. Upgrade procedure of the Solr software is provided below.
Solr has two main folders (path provided based on the standard deployment guide):
- folder with binaries:
- folder with data:
Apache Solr upgrade steps
The steps below describe Solr binaries update procedure only.
1) Download latest version of Apache Solr server (as per Software Requirements page)
2) Execute upgrade steps
#stop running elDoc sync-service (JMC) and Solr services; systemctl stop jmc && systemctl stop solr #extract archive with the latest Solr server to the defined folder tar -zxvf solr-9.0.0.tgz -C /local/solr #cerate a symlink to the latest version of the Solr server ln -sfn /local/solr/solr-9.0.0/ /local/solr/solr #launch Solr and elDoc sync-service (JMC) services systemctl start solr && systemctl start jmc
3) Solr index rebuild
We also recommend to perform Solr index full rebuild after Solr version upgrade, steps are provided below.
Note: Solr index rebuild will require significant amount of time on large datasets.
#stop running elDoc sync-service (JMC) and Solr services; systemctl stop jmc && systemctl stop solr #delete folder with Solr index rm -rf /local/solrData/data/[CORE_NAME] #delete JMC oplog timestamp file rm -f /local/jmc/oplog.timestamp #launch Solr and elDoc sync-service (JMC) services systemctl start solr && systemctl start jmc
After taking all the steps above the Apache Solr upgrade procedure is done.
Last modified: August 16, 2024