System service configuration

elDoc IDP & BPM system comes with generic configuration parameters. Before launching elDoc system as system service you need to review and adjust those parameters in order to ensure stability and proper operation of the system.

Service parameters are set via (for Linux deployment) or elDoc-server.cmd (for Windows deployment) file.

List of system service process parameters

elDoc IDP & BPM system is a Java-based application, as such service parameters are provided as Java-process command-line arguments.

Parameter nameDefault valueDescription
-XmsZZg-Xms8gSets the minimal reserved memory space for the elDoc server system process
-XmxZZg-Xmx8gSets the maximum memory for the elDoc server system process
-Dorg.bytedeco.javacpp.maxPhysicalBytes16gSets maximum memory for the IDP-related sub-system like computer vision
-Dua.eldoc.disableSchedulersfalseDisables automatic launch of system schedulers on server start (system schedulers still can be enabled manually via the administration page) timeout (per-page) for performing OCR (affects internal OCR Engine only)
-Dua.eldoc.idp.processing.threads10Defines max number of IDP processing threads
-Dua.eldoc.idp.preprocessing.threads4Defines max number of IDP pre-processing threads
-Dua.eldoc.idp.postProc.timeoutSec60Defines timeout (per execution entity, e.g.: field, recoForm) for executing (running) post-processing script





Defines min and max skew degree (as detected by the IDP de-skew algorithm) allowed be fixed. Entered value has to be inside the range [0, 45] and follow the rule minSkewDegree<maxSkewDegree, otherwise provided values are ignored and default values are used. Setting parameter as -Dua.eldoc.idp.maxSkewDegree=0 effectively disables page skew handling.



Defines pages max rotate degree. Supported values: 0, 90, 180, 270. Setting this property to 0 effectively disables page rotation detection logic.



Defines the way how system forms pre-processed by IDP PDF files (which are accessible for download from the system via API). Enabling this option allows to have accessibility functions (e.g.: text-to-speech) available on the resulting PDF files.


Specifies the minimum number of characters required on a page to determine if it is text-based. Should be a positive integer value or zero.




Defines maximum memory (RAM) to be used for PDF document content buffers (on per file basis). Possible values:

  • -1 means no limit and all buffers will be stored in main memory;
  • 0 means, that main memory will not be used and all buffers will be stored in temp files
  • other positive values instruct system to use a portion of main-memory and additionally temporary file(s) in case the specified portion is exceeded$BASE_DIR/cert/keystore.jksDefines path to the key store container
Defines password for the key store container$BASE_DIR/cert/cacerts.jksDefines path to the key store container with trusted certs
Defines password for the key store container with trusted certs
-Dua.eldoc.export.maxdocs100000Defines maximum number of documents processed by CSV-export authorization cache TTL in seconds distributed authorization cache. By default local cache instance (per node) is used instead
--port8080Sets on which port elDoc server will be listening for the requests (NOTE: standard practice is to use reverse-proxy in front of the elDoc system like nginx)
--sslport443Sets the HTTPS port on which elDoc server will be listening for requests
--sslcerteldoc-cert-nameSets the name of the HTTPS certificate to be used

IMPORTANT: parameters starting with double-dash ("--") have to follow after the line with the "-jar" parameter, all other parameters have to be present before line with "-jar" parameter in the start script file (or elDoc-server.cmd).

Last modified: June 05, 2024