Form designer

To navigate to Form designer - click on Administration  Forms management →+Add document form / Change existing document form →Form Builder Tab:

Form Builder is "No Code" tool designed to define and set the necessary fields for the document form. 

  • Standard fields settings. 

    By default, the following 5 standard fields are set for the document form in elDoc system («Number», «Subject», «Date of creation», «Deadline», «Comments». Administrator has rights to set additional parameters for the fields, namely: to enable the field, define whether the field is mandatory, etc. 

  • Additional fields settings. 

    If required, additional fields could be added by Administrator. Administrator has rights to set on the additional fields the following configuration and parameters: «Text», «Number (Integer)», «Number (Fractional)», «Date», «Date Time», «Check-mark», «Organizations (CRM), «Directory (List of values)», «Document reference», «Signature» s well as to set whether the field is mandatory or not. If required, Administrator has rights to preview the newly created document form (before publishing) and if required it is possible to deactivate the required fields. 

Each standard and additional fields of the document form have template-id with the following syntax:  {{eldoc:field_system_name}}. The field system names are used for the autocomplete functionality (when it is required to enable functionality on automated data feeding to the document template). 

Last modified: April 28, 2023