Login to the system

Login to the elDoc by performing the following steps:

  1. Open elDoc system page in your browser:
    • elDoc in the Cloud: https://eldoc.online/ (and click Login menu);
    • elDoc deployed onsite usually has address like: https://eldoc.domain.com (where domain.com - is the domain of your organization), or ask your internal IT team to provide you with URL-address to access elDoc;
  2. On the login page enter your system login and password and click Sign in button.

    By enabling Remember Me checkbox during login system will remember you for 7 days on the currently used browser.
  3. When MFA is enabled for your account - respective prompt for entering OTP-code will be displayed. Enter OTP-code shown by your authenticator app and press Sign in button:

Password reset

You may reset your password via the Login page.

  1. Click on the Forgot password? link
  2. Enter your email address registered in the system and press Send link button
  3. If entered email address matches with address of any non-blocked user - you will receive email in a while (make sure you check Spam folder in your email box):
  4. Once you receive email with the password reset link - click on the link and enter new password and its confirmation in the respective fields:
  5. After successfully changing your password you may login into the system with your new password.

Important: password reset option is not available for users integrated with the external LDAP-directories (e.g. Active Directory).

Last modified: April 28, 2023