Document delegation

Document delegation is available on the BPM-enabled phases of document process and allows user to delegate document to another user in the elDoc system. This page describes how to work with document delegation functionality.

Document delegation

Document delegation can be performed either from the Inbox view or from the document page itself. Inbox view allows to perform multiple-delegation of several documents at once.


Multiple-delegation from the Inbox view will be implemented only for the documents which allow delegation at their current phase.

To perform document delegation:

  1. Locate the Delegate control on the page and start typing the name of the user to whom document should be delegated;
  2. Once the respective user is chosen press the Delegate button.

Once document is delegated the respective notification will be shown and document will be moved to the Processed folder.

After delegation - document will be shown in the Inbox of the delegated user. Also in the respective actions tab - action "Document is delegated to [ name ]" will be shown.

Document can be delegated several times with the only condition that delegated user already not present in the document process.

Cancellation of delegation is available while document remains on the same phase and stage at which delegation was performed. Once document moves to the another phase or stage - cancellation of delegation will not be available anymore. 

Last modified: November 21, 2024