
DocForm represents documents in the elDoc system. This REST API Reference describes available methods for the DocForm objects.

API overview


API endpoint

Get document dataGET api/v2/docForm/{id}
Get document attachmentGET api/v2/docForm/file/{fileId}
Get documents in the viewGET api/v2/docForm/view/{viewId}
Process workflow action & update document and responsePUT api/v2/docForm/{id}/docResponse/{respId}
Manage document status and workflow phasePOST api/v2/docForm/{id}/docResponse
Create new documentPOST api/v2/docForm/form/{formName}

Common request parameters overview

Majority of the GET methods provide support for the common parameters
ParamTypeDescriptionSample values
{id}Path paramShort id (stored in the _id_web property) or full id (24 hex-character value stored in the _id property) of the DocFormF12, 59d4582e42a6273b107abcb0
{fields}Query param

Filters fields which are to be included in the response. Fields listed in this parameter also affect fields of the embedded entities, requested using "embed" parameter

{embed}Query param

Additional entities to be included in response as embedded objects:

  • docResponse - document response for the current user and document process phase
  • filesList - list of file attachments
  • valuesByTags - field values arranged by field tags. Table type fields always have first row which represents column names defined in the RecoForm
  • refByDocs - list of references to the current document from other documents (ids of DocForms where current document contained in the refdocs field)
  • recoData - list of recognition data models (applicable for Recognition Document only)
  • recoResult - recognition result identified for the given document (used only within embedded recoData)

Get document data

URL & Method & Description

GET api/v2/docForm/{id}

Retrieves document data.


Request (sample)
GET https://eldoc.domain.com/api/v2/docForm/{id}?fields=_id,_id_web,state,status,step,recoForm,pageIdxStart,pageIdxEnd,validated&embed=recoData,recoResult,valuesByTags,filesList


Response headers
Content-Type: application/json
Response body (sample)
    "_id": "5f3cd74236332879f7b3e723",
    "_id_web": "2950",
    "state": 3,
    "step": 3,
    "status": 1,
    "valuesByTags": {
        "DOC_TOPIC": "Application documents submission",
        "DATE_CREATED": "2020-08-19T07:39:46Z"
    "filesList": [
            "id": "5f3cd74236332879f7b3e729",
            "fileName": "application_multi_doc.pdf"
    "recoData": [
            "_id": "5f3cd7b436332879f7b3e7d1",
            "pageIdxEnd": 0,
            "pageIdxStart": 0,
            "validated": false,
            "recoForm": {
                "form": null,
                "id": "5f3caa5680dd6b2c3b7898c2",
                "name": "Transcript_v1"
            "valuesByTags": {
                "DOC_TYPE": "Advanced",
                "GRADES": [
                    ["Subject eng", "Subject grade"],
                    ["GEOGRAPHY ", "E(e)"]
                "YEAR": "2012"
            "recoResult": {
                "recoForm": {
                    "form": null,
                    "id": "5f3caa5680dd6b2c3b7898c2",
                    "name": "Transcript_v1"
                "recoFormConfidence": 100.0

Response body description:

valuesByTagsObjectDocument level fields arranged by their tags. During the manual validation step these values can be altered by user.
filesListArrayDocument level file-attachments

For the Recognition Documents "recoData" field contains recognition related data. In case several RecoForms were identified in the file-attachment during IDP - all those results will be stored as entries of the "recoData" field

See RecoData data model description.

Get document attachment

URL & Method & Description

GET api/v2/docForm/file/{fileId}

Retrieves document attachment file.


Request (sample)
GET https://eldoc.domain.com/api/v2/docForm/file/{fileId}
ParamTypeDescriptionSample values (comma separated)
{fileId}Path param

Full id (24 hex-character) of the file. Retrieved using query with param: fields=filesList



Response headers
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*=UTF-8''attachment_file_name.ext
Content-Length: 0
Response body (sample)
// Binary file content

Get documents in the view

URL & Method & Description

GET api/v2/docForm/view/{viewId}

Retrieves documents available for the user in the specified view (documents folder / documents category).


Request (sample)
GET https://eldoc.domain.com/api/v2/docForm/view/{viewId}
ParamTypeDescriptionSample values (comma separated)
{viewId}Path param

Name of the view. Currently supported views:

  • inbox - documents in inbox of querying service account
  • mydocs - documents created by querying service account or by querying service account on behalf of different user
  • repository - documents placed in repository and accessible by service account
  • archive - documents placed in archive and accessible by service account

inbox, mydocs, repository, archive

{first}Query paramFirst document index to be retrieved. First request usually starts from index 0. Default value is 0. Allowed range [0, 2147483646]0, 15, 50
Query paramNumber of documents to be retrieved per request. Default value is 10. Allowed range [1, 100]1, 5, 10, 20, 100
{state}Query paramIndicates document process phase to be queried. Default value is not set, Allowed range [0, 100]0, 1, 2, 3, 95, 100
{step}Query paramIndicates document step on the phase to be queried. Default value is not set, Allowed range [0, 100]0, 1, 2, 3, 4
{iteration}Query paramIndicates document iteration on the phase to be queried. Default value is not set, Allowed range [0, 100]1, 2, 3
{status}Query paramIndicates document status to be queried. Default value is not set, Allowed range [1, 10]1, 2, 3, 4


Response headers
Content-Type: application/json
X-Total-Count: 0
Response body (sample)
        "_id": "59b803ba60e9ab2c6e7b7564",
        "_id_web": "C0A",
        "filesList": [
                "id": "59b803ba60e9ab2c6e7b7560",
                "fileName": "DMS Solutions Overview 1.pptx"
        "_id": "59b803ba60e9ab2c6e7b7569",
        "_id_web": "C1A",
        "filesList": [
                "id": "59b803ba60e9ab2c6e7b7565",
                "fileName": "DMS Solutions Overview 2.pptx"

Process workflow action & update document and response

URL & Method & Description

PUT api/v2/docForm/{id}/docResponse/{respId}

Processes workflow action by adding respective DocResponse and may update document fields as well. This action is intended to be executed by a document workflow participant on the specific document workflow phase and stage

DocResponse generation

In order to retrieve respective {respId} execute GET request for retrieving DocForm with &embed=docResponse param. System will generate DocResponse for the current Service Account according to the document's workflow configuration for the current document phase.


Request (sample)
PUT https://eldoc.domain.com/api/v2/docForm/{id}/docResponse/{respId}
Request headers
Content-Type: application/json
ParamTypeDescriptionSample values (comma separated)
{respId}Path paramFull id (24 hex-character) of the DocResponse59d4582e42a6273b107abcb0
Request body (sample)
    "docForm" : {
		"valuesByTags": {
		    "{TAG}": "{VALUE}"
    "docResponse" : {
		"taskstatus" : {taskStatus},
        "content" : "{content}"
Request body keys:DescriptionSample values (comma separated)


  "valuesByTags": {
    "{TAG}": "{VALUE}"
  "_tags": ["tag1", "tag2"]

valuesByTags - Provide values to be assigned to the document fields based on TAGs

_tags - system field for storing document tags

  "valuesByTags": {
    "TAG1": "Value 1",
    "TAG2_DATE": "2020-03-05T08:06:09Z"
  "_tags": ["ReportingQ3"]
  "taskstatus": {taskStatus},
  "content" : "{content}"

taskStatus - Action to be performed with the given document (DocResponse task status).

Available task statuses (Response actions):

4 - Decline

5 - Execution Done

content - optionally document response action description can be added

  "taskstatus": 5,
  "content": "Document posted successfully"


Response CodesDescription
200 - OKDocument was successfully updated & processed
422 - UNPORCESSABLE ENTITYRequest was successfully executed but no data was updated

Manage document status and workflow phase

URL & Method & Description

POST api/v2/docForm/{id}/docResponse

Manages document status and workflow phase. This action is intended to be executed by document Initiator or another user or service account with role [elAdminDocRW(D)]

Access rights requirement

Method requires [elAdminDocsRW] role for the Service Account when document author is not a Service Account which originated the request


Request (sample)
POST https://eldoc.domain.com/api/v2/docForm/{id}/docResponse
Request headers
Content-Type: application/json
Request body (sample)
    "docResponse" : {
		"taskstatus" : {taskStatus}
Request body keys:DescriptionSample values (comma separated)
  "taskstatus": {taskStatus}

taskStatus - Action to be performed on the document (DocResponse task status).

Available task statuses:

107 - Response action: To Archive

  "taskstatus": 107


Response CodesDescription
200 - OKDocument was successfully updated & processed
422 - UNPORCESSABLE ENTITYRequest was successfully executed but no data was updated

Create new document

URL & Method & Description

POST api/v2/docForm/form/{formName}

Creates new document in the system.


Request (sample)
POST https://eldoc.domain.com/api/v2/docForm/form/{formName}
Request headers
Content-Type: multipart/form-data

ParamTypeDescriptionSample values (comma separated)
{formName}Path param

Short id of the document form to be used for creating a new document in the system

frd1, fd1, fd5
{allowDupl}Query paramFlag defines whether check for file duplication to be done (based on SHA-256 file attachments hash-sum)true|false (default: true - duplicates are allowed in the system)


Query paramIDP: parameter for selecting languages for indexing file content with OCR

eng, eng+chi_tra, eng%2Bchi_tra (default: eng)

{idpFrpr}Query paramIDP: flag for forcing elDoc to pre-process file-attachment (not recommended to enable for PDF-text based files, as text content will be replaced by performing OCR)true|false (default: false)
Form-data body parts:DescriptionSample values (comma separated)


  "valuesByTags": {
    "{TAG}": "{VALUE}"
  "author": "{systemId}",
  "_tags": ["tag1", "tag2"]

valuesByTags - Provide values to be assigned to the document fields based on TAGs

author - SystemId value of the document author on behalf of whom the document is to be created. May contain email address of the user

_tags - system field for storing document tags

  "valuesByTags": {
    "DOC_TOPIC": "Doc topic content",
    "DATE_CREATED": "2020-03-05T08:06:09Z"
  "author": "usr-bf7ad850-8708-493d-96a5-7c064f9b8528",
  "_tags": ["Report-2021"]
  "taskstatus": {taskStatus}

taskStatus - Action to be performed on the newly created document (DocResponse task status).

Available task statuses:

106 - Send document to Execution phase

  "taskstatus": 106
filesFiles to be attached to the created document


Response CodesDescription
201 - CreatedDocument was successfully created
Response headers
Content-Type: application/json

Response body (sample)
    "_id": "5e60c0fed1de2b6966aebcee",
    "_id_web": "1570",
    "_meta": {
        "_created": "2020-03-05T09:06:06Z",
        "_lastmodified": "2020-03-05T09:06:11Z",
        "_rev": 5
    "author": "usr-bf7ad850-8708-493d-96a5-7c064f9b8528",
    "state": 3,
    "step": 1,
    "iteration": 1,
    "status": 1,
    "formsystype": 0,
    "datecreated": "2020-03-05T08:06:09Z",
    "datedue": "",
    "...": "..."

Last modified: April 28, 2023