
DocResponse represents reply actions done on documents in the elDoc system. This REST API Reference describes available methods for the DocResponse objects.

API overview


API endpoint

Get document response dataGET api/v1/docResponse/{id}

Get document response data

URL & Method & Description

GET api/v1/docResponse/{id}

Retrieves document response data.

Access rights requirement

Method requires [elAdminDocsR] role


Request (sample)
GET https://eldoc.domain.com/api/v1/docResponse/{id}
ParamTypeDescriptionSample values (comma separated)
{id}Path paramFull id (24 hex-character) of the DocResponse59e351b5805645140093465, 59e351b580564514009346f


Response headers
Content-Type: application/json
Response body (sample)
    "_id": "59e351b5805645140093465",
    "_ref": "59e351b58056451400934d5",
    "state": 3,
    "status": 1,
    "taskstatus": 109,
    "resolid": "59e351b5805645140093707",
    "resolto": "usr-f55dc9cd-1ecd-474-955a-8383c666549f",
    "content": "Please find attached remarks",
	"step": 1,
	"itearation": 1,
	"author": "Anonymous",
    "_meta": {
        "_created": "2019-12-31T07:44:25Z",
        "_lastmodified": "2019-12-31T07:45:05Z",
        "_rev": 0

Last modified: April 28, 2023