Software requirements

Server-side software requirements:

#Component TypeComponent NameRequired / OptionalNotes
1Operating systemCentOS Stream 8 (Minimal profile)Required

Download links:

elDoc system also supports deployment on the following OS: CentOS Linux 7, RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7/8, Windows Server 2016/2019 (Note: those deployments are not covered by this documentation, but can be performed using the same steps ported to the respective OS).

2DatabaseMongoDB 4.4Required

elDoc uses MongoDB as its database for storing all meta-data and file-attachments. elDoc follows the MongoDB latest releases and tested against latest versions of MongoDB database.

Download link (Community version):

Download link (Enterprise version):

3Java Runtime EnvironmentJava 11Required

elDoc requires Java 11 to be installed. elDoc tested against Azul and Oracle implementations of Java.

Download links:

Azul (recommended):

Oracle (may require license):

#Component TypeComponent NameRequired / OptionalNotes
4Full-text search serviceApache Solr 8.11.1Optional

Download link:

* This is an optional component, it should be installed only in case respective full-text search functionality is required

** Min version 8.11.1 is required as it fixes the CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability related to Log4J (in version 8.11.1 Log4J library upgraded to v2.16)

5Sync serviceelDoc Java Mongo ConnectorOptional

Prerequisite for full-text search service component. Provides integration between databased and indexing service.

* This is an optional component, it should be installed only in case respective full-text search functionality is required

6Online editing serviceOnlyOffice 6.xOptional

Deployed via container sub-system.

* This is an optional component, it should be installed only in case respective online-editing functionality is required

7Office conversion serviceLibreOffice 6.xOptional

Deployed via Linux standard package manager.

* This is an optional component, it should be installed only in case respective online-preview and document filling functionality is required

8Other softwareVarious tools & utilsOptionalDeployed via Linux standard package manager during elDoc system deployment.

Client-side software requirements:

elDoc is a web-based application which can be accessed from any devices via standard web-browser. Access from mobile devices is supported as well using mobile versions of web-browsers. While accessing elDoc from mobile devices - elDoc user interface adapts to smaller screen sizes in order to provide optimized for mobile device user interface layout.

Supported web-browsers:

elDoc supports all modern web-browsers, including (but not limiting to) listed below:

  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Opera
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome

Support for IE (Internet Explorer) web-browser is limited or not present at all on some pages. It is strongly recommended to use any other web-browser instead of IE.

Last modified: May 12, 2023