
DocForm represents documents in the elDoc system. This REST API Reference describes available methods for the DocForm objects.

API overview


API endpoint

Get document dataGET api/v2/docForm/{id}
Get document attachmentGET api/v2/docForm/file/{fileId}
Get documents in the viewGET api/v2/docForm/view/{viewId}
Process & update documentPUT api/v2/docForm/{id}/docResponse/{respId}
Move document to the new phasePOST api/v2/docForm/{id}/docResponse
Create new documentPOST api/v2/docForm/form/{formName}

Common request parameters overview

Majority of the GET methods provide support for the common parameters
ParamTypeDescriptionSample values (comma separated)
{id}Path paramShort id (webId stored in the _id_web property) or full id (24 hex-character value stored in the _id property) of the DocFormF12, 59d4582e42a6273b107abcb0
{fields}Query param

Filters fields which are to be included in the response. Fields listed in this parameter also affect fields of the embedded entities, requested using "embed" parameter

_id, _id_web, state
{embed}Query param

Additional entities to be included in response as embedded objects. Currently supported:

  • docResponse
  • filesList
  • valuesByTags - field values arranged by field tags. Table type fields always have first row which represents column names defined in the RecoForm
  • recoData
  • recoResult (used only with recoData)
docResponse, recoData, recoResult

Get document data

URL & Method & Description

GET api/v2/docForm/{id}

Retrieves document data.


Request (sample)
GET https://eldoc.domain.com/api/v2/docForm/{id}?fields=_id,_id_web,state,status,step,recoForm,pageIdxStart,pageIdxEnd,validated&embed=recoData,recoResult,valuesByTags,filesList


Response headers
Content-Type: application/json
Response body (sample)
    "_id": "5f3cd74236332879f7b3e723",
    "_id_web": "2950",
    "state": 3,
    "step": 3,
    "status": 1,
    "valuesByTags": {
        "DOC_TOPIC": "Application documents submission",
        "DATE_CREATED": "2020-08-19T07:39:46Z"
    "filesList": [
            "id": "5f3cd74236332879f7b3e729",
            "fileName": "application_multi_doc.pdf"
    "recoData": [
            "_id": "5f3cd7b436332879f7b3e7d1",
            "pageIdxEnd": 0,
            "pageIdxStart": 0,
            "validated": false,
            "recoForm": {
                "form": null,
                "id": "5f3caa5680dd6b2c3b7898c2",
                "name": "Transcript_v1"
            "valuesByTags": {
                "DOC_TYPE": "Advanced",
                "GRADES": [
                    ["Subject eng", "Subject grade"],
                    ["GEOGRAPHY ", "E(e)"]
                "YEAR": "2012"
            "recoResult": {
                "recoForm": {
                    "form": null,
                    "id": "5f3caa5680dd6b2c3b7898c2",
                    "name": "Transcript_v1"
                "recoFormConfidence": 100.0

Response body description:

PropertyData TypeDescription
valuesByTagsObjectDocument level fields arranged by their tags. During the manual validation step these values can be altered by user.
filesListArrayDocument level file-attachments

For the Recognition Documents "recoData" field contains recognition related data. In case several RecoForms were identified in the file-attachment during IDP - all those results will be stored as entries of the "recoData" field

See RecoData data model description.

Get document attachment

URL & Method & Description

GET api/v2/docForm/file/{fileId}

Retrieves document attachment file.


Request (sample)
GET https://eldoc.domain.com/api/v2/docForm/file/{fileId}
ParamTypeDescriptionSample values (comma separated)
{fileId}Path param

Full id (24 hex-character) of the file. Retrieved using query with param: fields=filesList



Response headers
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*=UTF-8''attachment_file_name.ext
Content-Length: 0
Response body (sample)
// Binary file content

Get documents in the view

URL & Method & Description

GET api/v2/docForm/view/{viewId}

Retrieves documents available for the user in the specified view (documents folder / documents category).


Request (sample)
GET https://eldoc.domain.com/api/v2/docForm/view/{viewId}
ParamTypeDescriptionSample values (comma separated)
{viewId}Path param

Name of the view. Currently supported views:

  • inbox
  • repository
  • archive

inbox, repository, archive

{first}Query paramFirst document index to be retrieved. First request usually starts from index 0. Default value is 0.0, 15, 50
Query paramNumber of documents to be retrieved per request. Default value is 10. Maximum value is 99.1, 5, 10, 20


Response headers
Content-Type: application/json
X-Total-Count: 0
Response body (sample)
        "_id": "59b803ba60e9ab2c6e7b7564",
        "_id_web": "C0A",
        "filesList": [
                "id": "59b803ba60e9ab2c6e7b7560",
                "fileName": "DMS Solutions Overview 1.pptx"
        "_id": "59b803ba60e9ab2c6e7b7569",
        "_id_web": "C1A",
        "filesList": [
                "id": "59b803ba60e9ab2c6e7b7565",
                "fileName": "DMS Solutions Overview 2.pptx"

Process & update document

URL & Method & Description

PUT api/v2/docForm/{id}/docResponse/{respId}

Processes the document by adding DocResponse to the document with specific status.

DocResponse generation

In order to retrieve respective {respId} execute GET request for retrieving DocForm with &embed=docResponse param. System will generate DocResponse for the current Service Account according to the document's workflow configuration for the current document phase.


Request (sample)
PUT https://eldoc.domain.com/api/v2/docForm/{id}/docResponse/{respId}
Request headers
Content-Type: application/json
ParamTypeDescriptionSample values (comma separated)
{respId}Path paramFull id (24 hex-character) of the DocResponse59d4582e42a6273b107abcb0
Request body (sample)
    "docForm" : {
		"valuesByTags": {
		    "{TAG}": "{VALUE}"
    "docResponse" : {
		"taskstatus" : {taskStatus},
        "content" : "{content}"
Request body keys:DescriptionSample values (comma separated)


  "valuesByTags": {
    "{TAG}": "{VALUE}"

valuesByTags - Provide values to be assigned to the document fields based on TAGs

  "valuesByTags": {
    "TAG1": "Value 1",
    "TAG2_DATE": "2020-03-05T08:06:09Z"
  "taskstatus": {taskStatus},
  "content" : "{content}"

taskStatus - Action to be performed with the given document (DocResponse task status).

Available task statuses (Response actions):

4 - Decline

5 - Execution Done

content - optionally document response action description can be added

  "taskstatus": 5,
  "content": "Document posted successfully"


Response CodesDescription
200 - OKDocument was successfully updated & processed
422 - UNPORCESSABLE ENTITYRequest was successfully executed but no data was updated

Move document to the new phase

URL & Method & Description

POST api/v2/docForm/{id}/docResponse

Moves document to the new process phase.

Access rights requirement

Method requires [elAdminDocsRW] role for Service Account when document author is not a Service Account which originated the request


Request (sample)
POST https://eldoc.domain.com/api/v2/docForm/{id}/docResponse
Request headers
Content-Type: application/json
Request body (sample)
    "docResponse" : {
		"taskstatus" : {taskStatus}
Request body keys:DescriptionSample values (comma separated)
  "taskstatus": {taskStatus}

taskStatus - Action to be performed on the document (DocResponse task status).

Available task statuses:

107 - Response action: To Archive

  "taskstatus": 107


Response CodesDescription
200 - OKDocument was successfully updated & processed
422 - UNPORCESSABLE ENTITYRequest was successfully executed but no data was updated

Create new document

URL & Method & Description

POST api/v2/docForm/form/{formName}

Creates new document in the system.


Request (sample)
POST https://eldoc.domain.com/api/v2/docForm/form/{formName}
Request headers
Content-Type: multipart/form-data

ParamTypeDescriptionSample values (comma separated)
{formName}Path param

Short id of the document form to be used for creating a new document in the system

frd1, fd1, fd5
{allowDupl}Query paramFlag defines whether check for file duplication to be done (based on SHA-256 file attachments hash-sum)true|false (default: true - duplicates are allowed in the system)


Query paramIDP: parameter for selecting languages for indexing file content with OCR

eng, eng+chi_tra, eng%2Bchi_tra (default: eng)

{idpFrpr}Query paramIDP: flag for forcing elDoc to pre-process file-attachment (not recommended to enable for PDF-text based files, as text content will be replaced by performing OCR)true|false (default: false)
Form-data body parts:DescriptionSample values (comma separated)


  "valuesByTags": {
    "{TAG}": "{VALUE}"
  "author": "{systemId}"

valuesByTags - Provide values to be assigned to the document fields based on TAGs

author - SystemId value of the document author on behalf of whom the document is to be created. May contain email address of the user.

  "valuesByTags": {
    "DOC_TOPIC": "Doc topic content",
    "DATE_CREATED": "2020-03-05T08:06:09Z"
  "author": "usr-bf7ad850-8708-493d-96a5-7c064f9b8528"
  "taskstatus": {taskStatus}

taskStatus - Action to be performed on the newly created document (DocResponse task status).

Available task statuses:

106 - Send document to Execution phase

  "taskstatus": 106
filesFiles to be attached to the created document


Response CodesDescription
201 - CreatedDocument was successfully created
Response headers
Content-Type: application/json

Response body (sample)
    "_id": "5e60c0fed1de2b6966aebcee",
    "_id_web": "1570",
    "_meta": {
        "_created": "2020-03-05T09:06:06Z",
        "_lastmodified": "2020-03-05T09:06:11Z",
        "_rev": 5
    "author": "usr-bf7ad850-8708-493d-96a5-7c064f9b8528",
    "state": 3,
    "step": 1,
    "iteration": 1,
    "status": 1,
    "formsystype": 0,
    "datecreated": "2020-03-05T08:06:09Z",
    "datedue": "",
    "...": "..."

Last modified: April 28, 2023